Ask That Fit Girl Blog

Fitness review: BodyAttack

In my eyes, BodyAttack is the original high intensity interval training. Want to build agility? Endurance? Stamina? Strength? It’s all here in this group fitness class.

Finding the time to stay fit

Lack of time is a common reason lots of people cite for falling off the fitness wagon. But it’s not time that’s the issue. It’s just making it a priority that is.

Returning to exercise after…injury

It’s always devastating to bow out of an activity you love to do because of injury. Equally challenging is the psychological hurdle when you’re on the mend. Questions like ‘Will I be able to...

Returning to exercise after…illness

Illness. It’s the body’s way of telling us to slow down and take it easy. Other times, it’s an unlucky hand that stops us in our tracks with little warning or chance of reprieve....

Fitness review: Beginner ballet

Want a fitness workout that builds amazing strength, flexibility and muscle tone with no hill sprints in sight? You can have it ALL with ballet!

Easing back into the gym

For some of us, hitting the gym can be daunting especially if it’s been awhile and we’re not feeling too confident about our fitness. But there are some simple things we can do to...

Fitness review: sprint triathlon

Sprint triathlons are a very achievable fitness goal no matter your age or fitness level. Give one a go and I guarantee you’ll become hooked!