Ask That Fit Girl Blog

Deep water running

Fitness review: deep water running

Deep water running is one workout you should try before winter starts. Do it right and often enough, and I guarantee your fitness level will go up a notch or two.

Ask That Fit Girl's review on Sh'Bam

Fitness review: Sh’Bam

If you’re the kind of person who dances in their lounge room, does Shakira hips in front of the mirror, and prioritises fun over fitness, I’ve found your dream workout. It’s Sh’Bam.

Fitness review: V1 – outrigger canoeing

Do you love the water and want a workout that is challenging, yet relaxing at the same time? It is possible. What you want to try is the solo outrigging canoe style of Va’a,...

Ask That Fit Girl when to see a physiotherapist

When to see a physiotherapist

Physios aren’t just for athletes or weekend warriors! They’re for regular Joe’s too. And if you’ve got a niggling injury you’ve been ignoring, it’s time to give one a call. Here are my tips...

Fitness review: circuit training

If you bounce off and on the fitness wagon, this is one workout to keep in mind when you’re ‘on’ again. Meet circuit training – a great way to whip yourself back into shape,...