You’re never too old to workout: 5 tips to move past the age excuse

In my opinion, age means nothing when it comes to fitness. In fact, it can actually work in your favour. Here are my tips on how to get past the age excuse to exercise.

I’ve just turned 39 and am in the best shape of my life. What I’ve learnt over the years from being an exercise nut, is that you only get stronger and better with age. Sure, they’ll be a tipping point where the ageing process slows you down, but your overall health and fitness can mirror someone who’s 10 years younger than you on paper.

And this is a heart-warming thought, especially if the grey hairs have crept in, or the slow march to middle age sets off a mild state of panic.

Trust me – there is no better time than now to get into shape, and use that life experience as a steady and continuous stream of motivation to push through any workout, any challenge. If you’ve been using age as an excuse to bypass regular exercise, follow my tips to reframe your thought process.

Here are my five tips on how to get past the age excuse to regular exercise.

1. Create a happy place. Think about all the active things you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t because your level of fitness or attitude “I’m too old to do that’’ has let you down. Visualise what it would look like to go on that hike/walk/cycle, and feel the emotion that would go with it – joy, lightness, excitement. Keep that feeling and label it as your ‘happy place’.

2. Reflect on achievements. Spend time thinking about the achievements you’ve had in other parts of your life. Finishing uni, career success, raising children, volunteering on a board, etc. You’ve had success before, so there’s no reason why you can’t succeed in your return to exercise.

3. Find a tribe. Find others in your age bracket that are killing it fitness wise as inspiration. Better yet, follow someone who’s even older to remind you that anything is possible, if you’re committed to doing the hard work.

4. Take action. Start off by doing something you’d love to do, or used to do, to get those feel good endorphins revved up. Don’t let naysayers stand in your way.

5. Rejoice. Celebrate those first steps, and don’t be shy posting them on social channels. When you shine, you give permission for others to shine! (yes, that might have been a motivational insta meme I read online).

Life is way too short to let your aspirations go by. Take action, and do something about it now! Check out more helpful hacks on motivation here.

Like these tips and have others to share? Do post in the comments box below. If you’ve enjoyed this post, hit the subscribe button on the page. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram too.

Until next time,
Maryanne K

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2 Responses

  1. Tess says:

    Great Article Maryanne. And I love your photo.
    Cheers Tess