What to pack for an all-day hike

Heading out on an all-day hike? Trust me, there are some items that you don’t want to go without. Here are my tips on what to pack.

On Saturday, my homegirl Renee and I took on the Border Track at Lamington National Park. We opted for the 26km one-way hike from Binna Burra to Green Mountain (O’Reily’s Rainforest Retreat), taking in the waterfall circuit.

We had on well-worn hiking/trail running shoes, comfortable packs with padded straps, light weight long sleeved jumper/hoodies, water and Camelbaks, and enough food for a small army. For an estimated 7-8 hour hike, we wanted to be prepared.

In addition, we packed a number of extra items which turned out to be worth their weight in gold.

Here are five essential items you should pack for a similar all-day hike/trail

1. Map. While most trails in National Parks are clearly marked, it can be a while (depending on your pace) till you see a sign. We relied on our map to confirm we were on the right path, and not looping back on ourselves.

2. Insect/leech repellent. You can expect leeches in any environment that’s wet/damp, with rainforests being an obvious breeding ground. Apply repellent liberally and check yourself over. Luckily, we found only one – thankfully just on my neck.

3. Rain jacket. Critical if there’s any chance of rain. While we were prepared, we didn’t expect the ferocity: thunderstorm, downpour and hail around the 22km mark. Mother Nature was certainly on point.

4. Change of clothes. For the scenario above, placed into a plastic bag.

5. Basic first aid. Bandages and antibacterial wipes as a minimum. Luckily, no need for the bandages, though we came close from slippery tree roots and running parts of the track in the rain. When that storm hit, we legged it!

If you’ve got other backpack essentials for an all-day hike, I’d love to hear it. Please share your tip in the comments box below.

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Until next time,
Maryanne K

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