Fitness review: water aerobics – good for young and old

Water aerobics! Sure it’s old school. But water aerobics isn’t just for oldies, and it is time that preconception was blown out of the water.

It’s easy to see where that preconception comes from though. Water aerobics is great if you have an injury or are returning to exercise slowly. Like swimming, it places little or almost no impact on your joints and for that reason, yes, you may see a few golden oldies in class.

But going easy on the joints can be just the thing you need. And it’s well documented the benefits exercising in water has on the body. I’ve found water aerobics great for helping improve my ballet technique and recovery from strenuous workouts. It’s also the only time I’ll ever be able to ‘float’ and hold my leg behind me in a perfect arabesque like my dance idol, the amazing Misty Copeland.

The fact she’s 33 and a principal dancer for the American Theatre Ballet means maybe my dream can still come true! (don’t worry, I know there is no possibility and I’m ok with that).

The details:

Duration: 45-60mins
Style: Group exercise
Cost: Around $10-$12
Who’s there: late 20s, 30s, 40+, predominantly female (and yes, there are some seniors! Bless.)
What to wear: one piece swimmers (think racerback) for the girls, board shorts/swimming trunks for the guys. Swimming caps and reef style slip-ons optional.

What to expect:

It comes down to the instructor, but most follow a similar format. Warm up consists of walking laps of the 20 metre indoor pool before building to more dynamic movements. The next 10-15 minutes focus on short sequences designed to get the heart rate up such as lunges, star jumps, tuck jumps, front kicks, upper cuts and fast jabs – and yes people, this is all in the pool!

Pool props such as dumbbells, barbells and noodles are then introduced to complete a circuit of several activities focused on building strength in the arms, abs and legs.

I can’t quite look at a pool noodle the same way again and neither will you. Cool down follows with light stretches, using the water as natural resistance. Exercises to look out for:

Rock’n’roll – with your feet off the pool floor, alternate flipping from your stomach onto your back, then onto your stomach, then onto your back (you get the gist). I fondly refer to this one as the washing machine.

Moulin Rouge – high kicks through the water with alternating arm swings pushing the water behind you with your palms.

Frog jumps – move across the width of the pool by pushing a kickboard down into the water, as you tuck your knees into your chest around the kickboard in a frog style motion.

Surprised? See, I told you you’d leave your preconceptions at the door!

Would I recommend this fitness workout to a friend?

Yes. This is one of those workouts where you can work as hard or as little as you like. If you love the water, you’ll love this style of workout. Check out if it’s available at your local pool.

What I liked: easy on the joints, great cardio work-out if you give it 100%, relaxed and fun plus free swim

What I didn’t like: exposure to A-grade chlorine that’s used in public pools. It leaves my already dry hair stripped of moisture and in need of a deep conditioning.

What do I rate this style of fitness workout out of 5 ?

Fitness 3/5                     Strength and toning 4/5

Weight loss 2/5             Wellness (mind body soul connection) 3/5

What’s a track on this fitness workouts playlist?

Lenny Kravitz – Are you gonna go my way

Has this review inspired you to hit the pool? Let me know in the comments box below!

If you’ve got a fitness workout you’d like me to review, drop me an email at

Until next time,
Maryanne K

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