Take time off to rekindle a fitness flame

Not feeling your current fitness thing anymore? It’s ok to take time off. Here are my tips on how to get through that love/hate stage.
Last week I made my triumphant return back to pointe class, after a 12 month hiatus. What is pointe class you ask? It’s a normal ballet lesson, but one that’s done entirely in pointe shoes. They’re special shoes that allow a ballet dancer to dance on their toes, and is what makes ballet such a beautiful art form.

While I love the strength and concentration that’s involved, pointe work is extremely challenging and can get you down if you see little improvement. I fell into this category and decided I needed a break. So, I swapped my pointe shoes for tap shoes, and the time off has proven to be a godsend.

What the down time allowed me to do was find a new activity I love, and gave me the space to reflect and check whether pointe work is something I still want to pursue and persevere with.

And the answer: a resounding yes. While I only lasted half the class last week, my hunger to improve has returned and I am enjoying the challenge of pointe work once again.

If you’re struggling to push through/or your mojo for your dedicated fitness thing is waning, there is no harm in taking a break. It could be the break-through that you need.

Here are five things to do in your time off to help you centre, and rekindle that fitness flame if you so choose.

1. Seek inspiration. Tag along with family and friends and check out what they love to do, what gives them a buzz. Seeing someone else’s passion can light a spark in you too.

2. Choose something new. Think of it like off-season training. It could be complementary, or completely different. I have loved learning how to tap dance and won’t be stopping anytime soon.

3. Have no expectations. Sometimes the reason we fall out of love with our fitness thing is that we over complicate things by setting goals, stripping out the fun. So add that fun philosophy into your new activity and do it purely for joy.

4. Admire from afar. Sounds like stalking, but isn’t. What I mean is drop in every now and then to watch your old fitness thing from the sidelines, and take note of how you feel.

5. Ease back in when you’re ready. Take everything you’ve learnt and absorbed from your time off to rebuild your passion.

If you’ve got a great tip on how to rekindle a fitness flame, do share. Just post in the comment box below – I’d love to hear it.

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Until next time,
Maryanne K

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