Take the ‘why not?’ approach to try something new

You’ve read the blogs and you’ve got a workout you’d like to try. Now what? How do you move from intent to action? Surprisingly, the catalyst could be as simple as uttering two words out loud…’why not?’.

The reason why I write this blog is to help people find a fitness thing that they love to do. My philosophy is if you do it often enough, it becomes a habit, and before you know it, you’re living an active lifestyle. For me, my passion is dance, but I love just about anything that gets me moving, especially if it’s outdoors.

But I realized something the other day. What I failed to consider is not everyone feels comfortable trying new things; or turning up to random activities on their own.

It made me stop to reflect on what drives me. And while it’s true I gravitate naturally to trying out new things, it’s also a mindset I have of ‘why not?’.

It’s like that Old El Paso ad for the tacos, when the little girl says in Spanish ‘why can’t we have both?’. Just asking yourself ‘why not’ opens up your mind to possibilities and by default, gears you up for action.

The ‘why not’ approach is the first of my five tips on how to move from intent to action.

  1. Take a ‘why not?’ approach and roll with it. Notice how when you ask yourself that question, it puts you in an open and carefree mode? Particularly if you add in a shoulder shrug. While those possibility endorphins flow through your veins, take advantage of it.
  2. Turn up and watch. This is completely legit and a great way to see if that class/studio/gym/activity might be a good fit for you personally. A review is one thing, seeing if it stacks up to your expectations is another. Because you’re only sticky beaking for 5 minutes or so, it won’t cost anything.
  3. Scope out the cost. Depending on your chosen pursuit, you might have to shell out a few extra dollars, in addition to class. For example shoes, clothing or registration fees might need to be paid and/or acquired. Knowing this up front means you’re fully informed (and can’t use it as an excuse later for opting out!)
  4. Diarise it. This is time management 101 and the key to getting anything of importance done. We’ve all seen those memes or quotes that say “some day is not a day of the week”.
  5. Bring a buddy. If those ‘why not?’ endorphins haven’t completely built up your confidence to turn up solo, bring a friend along with the sweetener that you’ll buy the coffees after.

Have you got a great tip to get past the psychological barrier of trying something new? I’d love to hear it. Please post in the comment box below.

Until next time, Maryanne K

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