Fitness review: stand up paddle boarding

What I love about stand up paddle boarding (or SUP for short) is it’s something everyone can do, regardless of age or fitness.

Better yet, you don’t realise just how hard your body is working! Jennifer Aniston gave it her celebrity endorsement way back in the Team Jen vs Team Angelina days, saying it was a phenomenal workout. And she was right.

SUP builds a strong core, back and legs (a dancer’s ideal workout!) from balancing on a constantly shifting plane where even the slightest movement triggers your fast twitch muscles into gear. Think of a bosu balance ball, but a lot more fun. I’d recommend taking a lesson to learn the basics, then hire out the board for another hour or so to get totally confident.

The details:

Duration: 1 ½ hours + extra time
Style: Instructed lesson
Cost: Around $45
Who’s there: All ages, kids too (8yo and above)
What to wear: swimmers, board shorts, rashie (rash guard) and hat if you’re out on the water for more than an hour.

What to expect:

The lesson starts with a run through and introduction to the board and paddles. You learn which boards and paddles are suited to beginners and what to look for if you’re a more experienced stand up paddle boarder. This is handy if you get hooked and want to buy your own board and paddles down the track.

Next is practicing (on land) how to stand up – where to position your body, how to grip and slide onto the board with your paddle, how to kneel then slowly press up to standing. With the theory taken care of, it’s into the water to put it all into action and this is where the fun starts!

Once you can confidently slide into a kneeling position or stand, you can then enjoy paddling around. In a lesson, you’re shown different ways to turn, how to safely fall off and get advice on the best weather conditions for SUP. Your lesson will take place in a calm sheltered bay or point where there is little chop or surf. This means you can take your time mastering your technique and once you get the hang of it, you can paddle out on flat water for quite a distance. Pay attention to the following:

Getting to standing – when pressing up from a kneeling position to standing, always look forward into the horizon, never down at the board. Chances of success are higher this way!

Your stance – you’ll instinctively want to grip the board with your feet and clench with your toes. Don’t. Instead relax your feet, keep a bend in your knees and keep your balance by pulling in your stomach (activating your core) and keeping a nice straight back.

Your paddle – make sure you’re putting the correct side of the paddle’s blade into the water to propel you forward. Get this wrong, and you’ll wonder why you’re not moving very far.

Would I recommend this fitness workout to a friend?

Yes. It’s a fantastic workout and a great way to cool off in the heat. Definitely an activity to do with a friend or the family.

What I liked: the challenge, being on the water, cooling off, relaxing once you get the hang of it

What I didn’t like: can be glary on the water; if you’re confident you won’t lose your sunnies, wear them!

What do I rate this fitness workout out of 5?

Fitness: 4/5         Strength and toning: 4/5

Weight loss: 3/5                Wellness (mind, body, soul connection) 4.5/5

What would I listen to as I SUP?

Bruno Mars – 24K Magic

Has this review got you rounding up some mates to give it a go? Let me know in the comments box below!

Don’t forget, if there’s a fitness workout you’d like me to review, email

Till next time, Maryanne K

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