Simple tips to survive your summer workout

It’s hard enough sticking to an exercise regime, let alone when it’s stinking hot. Here are my tips on how to survive a summer workout.

If you live in Queensland, you’ll know our summers are brutal. If you don’t have air-con at home, you’re probably down the shops cooling off in the food court, watching a movie or wandering aimlessly around K-Mart.

For those of us that struggle with regular exercise, our winter bodies double as our summer bodies because it’s too easy to use the excuse ‘it’s too hot to move.’

The good news is you can get around this easily and it takes ZERO effort at all. Yup. All you’re doing is switching up when and how you exercise.

Here are my five simple tips to get you moving in the summer heat.

  1. Choose your time – it really is that simple. Exercise early or later in the evening and it’s much cooler. I’ve been hitting up my trail runs at 5.30am and it’s such a beautiful time of the day. For a night owl like me this takes effort, but the sense of accomplishment and the endorphin high I have the rest of the day is worth it.
  2. Choose your enviro – instead of nicking down to the shops for air-con, head into the gym. Set yourself up (unapologetically) near the fan and work out in air conditioned comfort.
  3. Switch up your workout – hit the pool. Now this one takes some coordination, as everyone’s also down there. But, similar to tip #1, if you head down when the pool opens at 5am or 30 mins before it shuts, you’ll be able to get in a good swim. Alternatively, try out a water aerobics class or check out deep water running. These classes start around 6pm and 7pm and are a great way to cool down and work out.
  4. Boost your incidental exercise – if you can’t commit to a dedicated workout session, keep up those small bouts of movement throughout your day. Use the stairs at work, go for a short lunch time walk, carry your groceries by hand, stand on public transport – you know the drill.
  5. Keep hydrated – it’s essential you’re guzzling down water. Feel free to bump it up to a sports drink or add some Hydralyte to your water to replace the salts you’re losing when you sweat. I keep a water bottle in my car, handbag and work desk to make sure I’ve got all bases covered.

Like these tips and have others to share? Do post in the comments box below.

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Until next time,
Maryanne K

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2 Responses

  1. Agree, MK – timing is critical! That’s why ‘Parkrun’ is a winter sport for me, I’m usually home from my run by 7am as it’s usually too hot after! Some great tips here.