Run safe at night

There are some simple things you can do if you run regularly at night to keep safe.

I run regularly and do most of it at night. It’s cooler, I can focus on my stride and I don’t feel like I’m being eyeballed by passing motorists. And the comfort of my jujitsu training helps.

I know if the unthinkable was to happen, I’ve got my self defence skills programmed into muscle memory to help me get away (foot stomp, groin strike, elbow/palm strike to the face in quick succession).

We learn a concept in jujitsu called ‘distancing’. Its purpose is to keep you out of harm’s way or if that’s not possible, what to do next to minimise harm to yourself. And it’s this concept I apply when I run at night that makes up this helpful hack.

Here are my five tips to help you run safely at night:

  1. Leave the earphones at home – you need to be alert when running at night. With earphones in you won’t necessarily hear car doors slam to indicate someone’s about to back down a driveway, the footsteps of a person approaching from behind, or the wheels of a cyclist zipping alongside you.
  2. Wear something reflective – there actually is a purpose to the neon/fluro in just about every piece of active wear these days. I’m not a fan personally, but I do make sure at night I’m wearing something that glows in headlights so I’m visible. Lots of brands produce running shorts and tanks tops now for this expressly.
  3. Know your route – map out your run route in the daytime and have several run options. I have a return loop for 3kms, 5kms and 7kms, so at any point I can exit out, mix it up or change course. Take note of places you could run to if you needed help.
  4. Run facing oncoming traffic – the benefit is you’ll be able to see a vehicle and they’ll be able to see you. It also eliminates the possibility of a car tailing or following you from behind. Stranger danger applies to adults too.
  5. Tell someone where you’re going – or better yet, run with a friend. A friend that knows self defence…!

Have you got a great tip? Please share in the comments box below.

Till next time, Maryanne K

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