Push past the naysayers to follow your fitness dream

We like to think that people are supportive when we say we’re starting a new fitness routine or setting a new fitness goal. But sadly, this isn’t always the case. I’ve got some tips on how to push past those naysayers to keep your confidence high.

There are tons of roadblocks to living an active lifestyle. They range from finding the time to exercise to conquering a fear – like swimming as an example.

Another roadblock is the backhanded support you might receive from family and friends when you decide to try something new, or return to something you did as a kid. The body language you’re met with is raised eyebrows, followed by an incredulous “really?” and a barrage of questions.

For some, this type of reaction dampens the spirit and can put you off completely. And you watch, with a deflated soul, as the enthusiasm you had sadly and quietly slips down the drain.

However, this my friends, is not the time to despair. It’s precisely the moment you fire up that little voice in your head and ask yourself: “Was that comment actually helpful?” And if not, simply DISREGARD!

Here are my five tips to back yourself when you’re faced with skepticism over your chosen fitness pursuit.

1. Remember the rose coloured lens. Often, people aren’t supportive as they could be as they’re viewing things through their own lens and responding from a viewpoint that might mirror their attitudes and where they’re at in life. Be mindful of that, and simply let their comments slide to the wayside.

2. It’s an open invite to talk it up. If you want to banter, use it as segue to talk about why you love it or want to try it and how it’s an important goal. This puts people on side normally very quickly – or at least lets you know where they stand!

3. Flip it back. And no, I don’t mean giving the bird (though some might deserve it). As weird as this sounds, sometimes they’re actually seeking encouragement from you. Ask your naysayer what it is they’d love to do if they could, and if they want your help in some way.

4. Consistency is key. Nothing beats down skepticism than following through.

5. Relish every minute of it. Perhaps the most important of my five tips. Whatever it is you’ve chosen to start, or return to, love every minute of it and let yourself be totally carried away. Life is too short to be living by someone else’s rules!

Have you got a great tip to keep your confidence high when doing something new? I’d love to hear it. Please post in the comment box below. And share this post with someone you know who might need a small pick-me-up.

Until next time,
Maryanne K

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