How to make exercise a regular thing

For many of us, exercise can seem like a chore. But it’s not motivation you need to get you off the couch.

Last year, I ran over 100kms, went to 82 ballet classes, 36 BodyAttack workouts, 22 yoga and pilates studio sessions and hit the local pool for water aerobics 21 times.

Was I motivated? Not exactly.  Did I have a goal that really mattered to me? Yes, I did and I think that’s what makes working towards anything stick.

Here are my 5 tips on how to make exercise a regular thing.

  1. Set a goal and make it visual – it really is that simple. I’m trained to help organisations embrace change by communicating a compelling story, the reasons why change is needed. And this same philosophy applies to you and me. Find your reason – it might be having more energy to play with the kids, slimming down so you can do activities in your next holiday or getting fit enough to take on your first obstacle course like Tough Mudder. Whatever your goal, make it meaningful and put a photo close by to remind you of what you’re working towards. My goal last year was to smash my sprint triathlon time from the previous year (accomplished), execute a pose pirouette on pointe in ballet (done) and keep up my conditioning so I can climb Mt Kilimanjaro; and reach Everest Base Camp when I’m 40.
  2. Plan to exercise. Just like you plan to make dinner at a certain time, pick up the kids at a certain time, schedule in exercise at a certain time. If you don’t make time for something, it won’t get done. Write it on the fridge, enter it on your Outlook calendar, or use an app on your phone to remind you. And when it’s time to get going, just do it. Don’t think about it – just go. Soon it will become a routine and then just habit. One of my girlfriends, a busy mum, went to bed in her workout gear. In the morning, she simply got up, put on her joggers and she was out the door. That was her way of making sure she stuck to her plan. Consistency is key.
  3.  Apply the Ten Minute Rule. I can guarantee you’ll keep going! I got this great tip from Michelle Bridge’s book Losing the last 5 kilos. Mish recommends starting your workout and train for just 10 minutes. If you don’t feel like training after the ten minutes, you can throw in the towel. But you won’t. Your brain somehow stops this self-sabotage.
  4.  Find something you truly love to do. I think this is just as important as setting a goal. My passion is dance, specifically ballet. I love the strength, beauty, control, discipline, grace and storytelling that goes with this incredible dance form. You will see me regularly at adult classes at 2ballerinas or Queensland Ballet.
  5.  Celebrate along the way. It takes abit of grit and determination to stick to anything for more than three months. So take pride in yourself and when you’ve reached some of your fitness milestones, make sure you let your hair down and congratulate yourself on moving towards your goal.

Have you got some great how-to tips to share to keep up an exercise routine? Let me know in the comments box below!

Till next time, Maryanne K

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