How to form a fitness mindset

It takes time to form a fitness habit and turn it into a lifestyle choice. However, the good news is it can be done.

In a recent blog post, I shared what to do if you fall out of sync with your exercise routine. For me, it’s work and holidays that trip me up. But because I’ve formed healthy habits and made fitness a lifestyle choice over the years, I’ve always been able to weather this storm well.

In a recent 7-day work trip to Chile, I hit the gym twice and did short HIIT sessions in my hotel room most mornings. When my boss asked me how had I gotten to this stage, I answered it was a habit, that had grown over the years to become second nature.

For me, a fitness mindset is equally a mental mindset designed to give overall clarity and focus to my day and/or recharge and set my compass in the right direction.

Here are five things I’ve learnt that has helped me build a fitness mindset.

1. You must have a reason to want to be fit and healthy. It has to be something emotive, powerful, something that can be played on endless repeat in your mind to push you into action. For me, it’s all about quality of life. When I’m 80+, I’d like to live in my own home, without any physical aides or help. Everything I do now in my younger years to keep fit, strong and healthy is going to make sure this is a reality.

2. Just get started. Pick something you love to do, and commit to it once a week for three months. Habits start off by repetition. There are no shortcuts. Put in the hard work and the dividends will pay off. That’s why I write these reviews, to help you find something that works for you!

3. Every day, read something that spruiks the benefits of fitness/health/mental wellbeing. Those constant proof points seep into the subconscious and act as your own personal minder.

4. Surround yourself with like-minded people, or join an online tribe that inspires you to form that habit. Often people who have a fitness mindset have a similar attitude they apply to other aspects of their life – and you’ll find their perspective fascinating.

5. Sign-up to a physical challenge twice a year. Celebrate what your mind and body can do, and keep your fitness mindset on constant recharge.

If you’ve got a great tip on how to build a fitness mindset, do share. Just post in the comment box below – I’d love to hear it.

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Until next time,
Maryanne K

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