Gym bag essentials

You might be surprised to learn what 3 items I’ve got stashed in my gym bag as essentials.

Scour the internet and you’ll find lots of articles on what you should have in your gym bag. Towel, water bottle, deoderant, maybe a protein bar if you’re hard core (or prone to snacking, like me!) are all no brainers. Before I rush out the door, I make sure I’ve also tucked in the following items. They’re small, light weight and go down in my eyes as must haves. All three also appear in my dance bag.

1.Tennis ball – a great way to relieve muscle tension in the feet after any workout. Our poor feet withstand a lot! I find a few quick rolls back and forth over your arches feels amazing and is an inexpensive way to give yourself a foot massage.

Talk to a fitness professional and they’ll be able to tell you the benefits of this type of release on your connective tissues known as your fascia.

2. Anti-bacterial facial wipes – the no frills brand for under $3 is a bargain and a quick way to remove sweat and grime after a workout. It’s also better than using your sweaty gym towel on your face and handy to wipe down machines at the gym before or after your workout.

3. Little tube of Voltaren/Deep Heat/Tiger Balm etc – my saviour on more than one occasion! Really good for when you’ve rushed your workout or maybe over exerted yourself a little too much. A small amount rubbed into sore muscles can help ease inflammation and get you back on track for the rest of the day.

Have you got any other tips to share? Let me know in the comments box below!

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