Fitness review: mat Pilates

If you want to try Pilates, starting out on a mat is a good way to go. But be warned, this is a powerhouse workout that is anything but easy!

I first tried Pilates a few years ago to improve my ballet technique. Did I enjoy it the first time around? I won’t lie – no, I didn’t. Why? Because I wasn’t expecting it to be such a challenging workout.

Now, before you stop reading and put this in the ‘not for me’ category, let me just say it is 100% worth it. Stick at it, and you will build strength, a longer leaner looking physique, and an amazing core.

Expect your day-to-day movements (lifting, carrying, walking, bending) to be better. You’ll also gain a better understanding of how your body works. And this awareness will generate a nice warm fuzzy feeling of love for your body – no matter what shape it’s in.

The details:

Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Group class
Cost: Around $15-$20 for casual drop in (mat class)
Who’s there: Women of all ages, the occasional male
What to wear: ¾ tights and t-shirt, anything that’s easy to move in. You will spend a lot of time with your legs in the air. Bring a water bottle and towel too, and a mat just in case. Props will be provided by the instructor.

What to expect:

Pilates or ‘the Pilates method’ is a workout that was created by Joseph Pilates in the post World War I era as a way to recover from injury and build strength. It was adopted quickly by the dance world in New York and from there, it took off exponentially.

Its foundation is built on movements that isolate and work your muscles, in deliberate and controlled exercises that focus on resistance, body alignment and breath. Throughout class, your instructor will explain what muscles should be engaged, how to align your body, the breathing technique to apply and count you through the number of repetitions.

In the class I went to, we used a ‘Pilates ring’ as a prop. Placed between the ankles or above the knees, it acts as a form of resistance. We squeezed the ring together to activate our inner thighs, glutes and core as we performed a range of exercises on our stomachs and our backs. Our recovery came in the way of forward folds, and gentle twists of the torso. Look out for these moves we did in class, which are your Pilates standard.

The 100 – lie on your back with legs lifted, bent at a 90 degree angle and raise your shoulder blades off the floor, chin tucked into your chest. Reach your arms straight out and pump them off the floor counting to 100, breathing steadily. We squeezed our Pilates ring between our ankles as we did this.

Single leg circles – on your back, belly button pulled in and drawn down towards your spine, extend one leg in the air. The other leg remains stretched on the floor. With the extended leg in the air, draw circles with your foot in one direction for several breaths; stop and rotate the foot in the other direction. Swap legs and repeat.

Rolling/rocking boat pose – Draw your knees to your chest and roll backwards on your mat. As you rock forward onto your bottom, activate your abdominal muscles to pull you to a stop, so you’re seated semi-upright with your knees extended in the same 90 degree angle as ‘the 100’, arms reaching forward. Hold for several breaths. Roll back again and repeat. Just for fun, do this exercise with the Pilates ring between your ankles – we did (again!).

Would I recommend this fitness workout to a friend?

Yes, but with the proviso that it is challenging, and to come with an open mind. Take it easy on yourself too, the core work is difficult, but it does get somewhat easier. I dropped into a class run by the amazing Ingrid at Club Arana.

What I liked: the challenge, building strength, simple moves that are easy to follow,  props
What I didn’t like: the body quivers and the shakes in the core work, but that’s what we came for, right!?

What do I rate this fitness workout out of 5?

Fitness: 3/5                         Strength and toning: 5/5
Weight loss: 3/5                Wellness (mind, body, soul connection): 4/5

What would I listen to while I do mat Pilates?

The Chainsmokers & Coldplay – Something Just Like This

Has this review made you consider trying Pilates? Let me know in the comments box below!

Don’t forget to let me know if there’s a workout you’d like me to review. Just post the request on Facebook.

Until next time,
Maryanne K

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2 Responses

  1. flo says:

    I’ve definitely considered a pilates class but Im nervous about doing it. I’ve never done it before. I know I have a weak core and this would be excellent for it. But I really struggle with basic abs work in a gym class.

  2. Maryanne K says:

    Thanks for your comment, Flo. While pilates is challenging, I’ve always found the pilates community to be very welcoming and it’s definitely worth trying at least once. Keep up your ab work at gym class, it will pay off!