Fitness review: circuit training

If you bounce off and on the fitness wagon, this is one workout to keep in mind when you’re ‘on’ again. Meet circuit training – a great way to whip yourself back into shape, fast. 

Lots of gyms and studios offer group classes that revolve around circuits – set stations of exercises to be completed in a set time, with a small rest period in between.

While it’s a group class, you might complete the circuit solo, working out at your own pace. What I really enjoy though are the sessions where you partner up with someone and work together to get through the circuit. It’s not only fun and challenging, but friendly competition too, which keeps up the intensity when you’d normally (let’s face it) slacken off.

The details:


Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Group class, working in pairs
Cost: Around $15 for a casual class
Who’s there: Mainly women, but all ages 20s through to 60s
What to wear: ¾ tights or gym shorts, moisture wicking tee, towel and water bottle

What to expect:

There are lots of styles of circuit training, and infinite combinations of exercises. Some are sports specific, or hone in on specific discipline like boxing, while others are focused on building strength, or cardio or a mix of both. Depending on the type of circuit you’re doing, expect to find props such as resistance bands, kettlebells and free weights close by. They are included to purposely add a bit of grunt to your session.

The session I went to was a cardio and strength combo. Class started with a warmup (5 minutes of completing a set number of high knees, push ups, lunges, squats) followed by an explanation of each circuit, then grouping off into pairs. The next 45 minutes was focused on completing a 11-round two minute circuit twice, followed by a warm down and stretching. Look out for these three circuit exercises you’re likely to do:

Medicine ball slams – squat down to pick up the ball, then push through your heels to stand upright, squeezing the ball above your head before slamming it to the ground. Pick up and repeat. While it looks easy, you’ll fatigue quickly.

Plank to push-ups – start in plank position on your toes, resting on your elbows. Push up to push-up position, arms extended, palms flat on the ground. Keeping a straight plane (i.e. bottom down, back long), reach out and slap your partners hand, before lowering down one by one onto elbows, back into plank position. Repeat again.

Resistance band sprint run – loop a resistance band around your waist, with your partner directly behind you holding the ends. Sprint, high knees as fast as you can across the room, while your partner yanks the band back for resistance. Your goal: drag them across the floor.

Would I recommend this fitness workout to a friend?


Absolutely. If you like variety, socialising and feeling totally spent after a workout, you want to give circuit training a go.

What I liked: different activities, the complete body workout and camaraderie. Easy concept to replicate at home.
What I didn’t like: feeling sore the next day – those medicine ball slams really work the arms, back and shoulders.

What do I rate this fitness workout out of five?

Fitness: 5/5                     Strength and toning: 5/5
Weight loss: 5/5             Wellness (mind, body, soul connection): 4/5

What would I have as a track on this fitness workout’s playlist?

Pnau – Go Bang

Has my review inspired you to give circuit training a go? Let me know in the comments box below!

Don’t forget to get in touch if there’s a workout you’d like me to review. Just post it on my Facebook page or email

Until next time,
Maryanne K

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