Fitness review: Beginner ballet

Want a fitness workout that builds amazing strength, flexibility and muscle tone with no hill sprints in sight? You can have it ALL with ballet!

I love ballet. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. In my eyes, nothing beats it as an art form that imbues strength, discipline, grace and beauty all in one.

My love affair though started out quite by accident. I was a ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ tragic, and took up contemporary dance classes in my late-20s. But my technique was lacking and I knew ballet was the foundation I sorely needed.

So I summoned the courage to enrol in a 12 week adult beginner course at 2ballerinas. And I couldn’t believe how easily I got hooked. Instead of returning to contemporary classes, I ditched them altogether in favour of ballet and haven’t looked back! Seven years later, I’m still a regular at ‘2b’ attending up to 3 classes a week just to get my fix of tendus, grand pliés and pirouettes.

If you have never tried ballet, I’d encourage you to give a beginner class a go…. you never know what might blossom!

The details:

Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Adult beginner class. It does help if you know the basic positions, but arrive early/or call ahead and check if you’ll be ok to come along.
Cost: $16 casual drop in, cheaper in a 5 or 10 class pass
Who’s there: Predominantly women, some men, ages 20 to 60
What to wear: ¾ tights or shorts, a t-shirt or any top that’s easy to move in. Socks are ok if you don’t have ballet shoes and have a towel and water bottle close by. Leotards are fun but absolutely not necessary.

What to expect:

Don’t be fooled. There is a lot of athleticism that’s involved in ballet. Ballet is all about muscle isolation, turnout (rotation of the legs from the hips), alignment and lengthening the body in opposing directions. You’ll use every part of your core for balance and will build amazing strength in your back, arms, feet and legs to execute jumps, turns, and ballet movements choreographed into sequences.

Your brain gets a good workout too as you learn new movements (all in French nonetheless!) and sequences that move you in both the left and right direction across the floor. You will get better with time and what’s comforting to know is most classes repeat the same lesson for several weeks so you can get the hang of it. This makes you want to come back and builds a sense of accomplishment.

Class starts with warm-up at the bar (or barre in ballet speak), where you’ll complete a range of ballet positions and movements with your hand resting on the bar for support. The exercises will start off slow to get your feet and ankles warmed up, to larger movements involving leg swings, forward folds, back bends and arm movements. From the barre, you’ll move to the middle of the floor for ‘centre work’ where you’ll have a chance to learn a simple sequence to a beautiful piece of music.

Here are some basics movements you’ll be doing:

Plié (“plee-aye”) – similar to a squat movement, bending at the knees, keeping your back up right, as if you’re sliding up and down a wall.

Tendu (“ton-du”)– standing on one leg, use the foot of your opposite leg to slide out on the floor in front of you. Leave your leg fully extended with your toes pointed along the ground. Tendus can be done to the front, side and back of your body.

Relevé (“rell-a-vay”) – rising onto your toes, lifting your heels as high off the ground as possible, legs stretched and straight.

Would I recommend this fitness workout to a friend?

Yes, absolutely. And you don’t need dance experience. Beginner ballet is about having fun, learning how your body moves and trying out some choreography. There’s a reason why they say dancing is good for the soul! You will love the 2ballerinas dance community. Everyone’s welcome no matter your age, shape or ability.

What I liked: camaraderie and sense of community, learning choreography, athleticism, beauty, grace, it’s all ages
What I didn’t like: you will be sore after class! No muscle is left untouched.

What do I rate this fitness workout out of 5?

Fitness: 4/5                         Strength and toning: 4/5
Weight loss: 3/5                Wellness (mind, body, soul connection): 4.5/5

Want some inspiration? Check out the Australian Ballet’s highlights from World Ballet Day. There are exercises beginners can try at home!

Has this review inspired you to give a dance class ago? Let me know, I’d love to hear how you went! Post your review in the comment box below 😉

Don’t forget to let me know if there’s a workout you’d like me to review. Just post it on my Facebook page or email

Until next time,
Maryanne K

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