Easing back into the gym

For some of us, hitting the gym can be daunting especially if it’s been awhile and we’re not feeling too confident about our fitness. But there are some simple things we can do to ease the apprehension.

I’m a regular at the gym mostly for the group fitness classes, but I do mix it up occasionally with workout sessions using gym equipment. I love to use the treadmill, stepper, rowing machine and bike to really get my cardio going.

My 2 cents worth? Don’t be put off by the sound of it, or how fit (or unfit) you feel. By getting yourself to the gym, half the hard work is already done!

So I thought I’d share some lessons I’d learnt to help you back on your fitness wagon.

Here are four tips to help you ease back into the gym:

1. Get someone to show you how to use the equipment. The staff at the gym – or in-house personal trainer – will be more than happy to show you what’s new, what’s changed and offer suggestions of what you could do. They can also show you the right technique if you’re using something like the weight machines.

2. Take it easy. You’re not racing or challenging anyone, you’re just focused on you. Most gyms have modern equipment that have screens where you can enter and choose a workout to fit your fitness level. It’s as easy as toggling through the menu, selecting a workout and entering a time for your session. If you’re not sure, sing out to the gym staff who can program it for you.

3. View the summary workout. When you’re finished, take note of the workout stats on the equipment (or your fitness tracker) and congratulate yourself. Not only have you made it back, but you now have a benchmark to better.

4. ‘Mindfully’ stretch. Don’t forget to wipe down the machine and spend a few minutes ‘mindfully’ stretching. That means taking in the sight, sound and yes even smell of the gym, as you pay attention to how your body feels as you stretch out. You’ll be amazed at how good this simple activity feels and puts your gym experience into a really positive light.

I hope these tips have helped you to visualise yourself back at the gym!

If you’ve made it back and have some great tips to share, please post in the comments box below.

Until next time,
Maryanne K

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2 Responses

  1. Christine says:

    Thank you so much for your gym hacks. Being a single mum of 3 kids the gym was the last thing on my mind until i saw a facebook post advertising a deal which was cheaper then what 1 bootcamp session would have cost per week. Membership included a bootcamp session once a week plus 3 boxing sessions which were 1/2 hour each. (I get bored after 1/2 an hour so it was a perfect class for me). I was excited aswell cause I would do 11 kms on the bike (about 1/2 hours worth) while using the free internet on the machine to do online shopping. Time flew and I burned 200 calories while shopping lol. I joined up and thought im gunna at least do the classes. However its true with these hacks mentioned. I kept looking at the machines and thought “one day” so I got the PT to show me the best machines that would make me have the best body in the shortest amount of time eg. a 10 min fast workout and I’d drop 2 dress sizes ha ha. Once I finished my session I thought ‘geez that was awesome, I actually feel really energized and could do anything. Actually knowing what to do on the machines is the hardest part and most daunting part of the gym but once you know, its a great feeling. I was told I’d only have to do 3 sets of 12 reps each machine to tone up (very achievable). So today i went in, did 6 km on the bike, did my 1/2 hour boxing class then did some machines and floor work. I feel fantastic and so glad I didn’t procrastinate any more on my decision to join the gym. It helps that the pt guy is hot too lol. Also I loved the hack of keeping track of the weights used. You will always be accountable when you write it down. Thanks fit girl and I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Its very motivating.

    • Maryanne K says:

      Hey Christine, thanks heaps for your comment and I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blog! Awesome to see you’re in the gym and have had a really good experience. I like how you think 😉 Keep it up fit mum!