Fitness review: boxing circuit pack a punch

No pun intended, but there’s a reason why boxing workouts pack a punch. And I guarantee you’ll feel ten feet taller when you leave.

I can definitely see the appeal of boxing – sometimes it feels good to just let loose and thump something after you’ve had a busy or stressful day.

I’m a Rocky fan too, so I’m always going to be in this workout’s corner. I can’t believe Sly was Oscar snubbed for best supporting actor in Creed!

Anyway, I digress…the last time I tried boxing was about 6 years ago. I was a last minute fill in for a lunch time training session when one of the girls from work was off sick.

And I remember really enjoying it, so I thought it was about time I gave it another go. So off went the ballet shoes and on came the boxing gloves. And the result? I ‘smashed it’ and can’t believe I left it so long ‘between rounds’ to try it out again.

The details:

Duration: 45-60mins
Style: Group exercise
Cost: From $10 casual class
Who’s there: 30s, 40s, 50s male and female
What to wear: shorts or tights with singlets for girls, shorts and tees for guys. Gloves and mitts provided.

What to expect:

The session I went to was all partner and mat work – no bags which might be different to other boxing workouts. This session was set up so that we did a range of circuits working in pairs at high intensity. The warm up focused on technique – how to throw a jab, upper cut, and hook punch. From there, we moved into combination punches working on our footwork to move up and down the mat. This takes abit of hand, eye and feet coordination but feels great when you get it right!

Then we got stuck into a circuit of five different stations, working our combination punches in with mountain climbers, squats, burpees and push ups to be completed in a set time with the number of reps (repetitions) growing at each interval. Cool down followed with gentle stretching and technique follow-ups from the instructor. Here’s a guide on the punches you’ll be throwing (thanks Sports Definitions):

Jab –  short, sharp punch with little windup

Hook – a short arm punch that is thrown with the wrist turned at the point of impact and is curved rather than bent

Uppercut – aimed at either the solar plexus or chin. This punch can be devastating and is delivered using the front knuckles in an upward motion.

Would I recommend this fitness workout to a friend?

Yes. This is one of those workouts that suits all fitness levels and is a great all body workout. The partnering can be tough at the start (knowing where to position the pads and providing support) but once you get into the swing of things, it’s all smooth sailing. A great work out to bring a friend along.

What I liked: learning technique, circuit work, combo moves, cheering my boxing partner on, the sweat and feeling strong.

What I didn’t like: forgetting my water bottle – a rookie mistake. You’ll definitely need hydration.

How do I rate this fitness workout style out of 5?

Fitness 5/5                  Strength and toning 5/5

Weight loss 5/5          Wellness (mind, body, soul connection) 4/5

What’s on this fitness workouts playlist?


Calvin Harris – This is what you came for

Has this review inspired you to put on some boxing gloves? Let me know in the comments box below!

Don’t forget to email if you’ve got a workout you’d like me to review.

Until next time,
Maryanne K

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