Fitness review: BODYPUMP your way to toned limbs

There’s nothing like lifting weights to get those feel good endorphins flowing and banish any negative vibes that may be weighing you down.

It’s been a while (years) since I’ve gone to a PUMP class and I won’t lie – there was some trepidation about going back. Speaking from experience, it can be a punishing workout if you over extend yourself. But, I was determined to give it another go and this time follow my own advice on pacing myself through a class. And it was worth every drop of sweat.

I can see why people get hooked on PUMP. You feel strong and focused and get to ride the feel good high for the rest of the day. It’s an instant pick-me-up and it’s definitely got me considering lifting regularly.

The details:

Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Group class
Cost: $15-$20 casual drop in
Who’s there: Mainly women, but all ages – 20s to 60s
What to wear: ¾ tights, moisture wicking tank tee. Some ladies brought gloves, optional only. Do bring a towel that can cover a Reebok step and keep your water bottle close by.

What to expect:

The PUMP class I went to was a Les Mills workout known as BODYPUMP – a 60 minute session broken down into 10 clear intervals targeting different parts of the body.

It’s a strength and resistance based fitness workout using loaded barbells and weighted plates where you work all your major muscle groups though high repetitions (reps). Sure it sounds a little daunting, but as with all workouts, you start off with what’s manageable for you and there are always options for all levels.

We start off with a warm-up (1) using a light weight on the barbell completing squats, rows and curls before moving into the 2nd of 9 remaining tracks working through the following in this order: (2) Squats (3) Chest  (4) Back (5) Triceps (6) Biceps (7) Lunges (8) Shoulders (9) Abs and core (10) Cool down. The pace is a good one, and you will definitely feel the burn as the quick reps lead to muscle fatigue but that’s how we build strength and you know you’re working hard.

The instructor will always keep you motivated though and there’s enough time between tracks to change your weights over, get some water and a quick towel down before getting straight back into it. Watch these 3 videos on how to correctly perform these moves you’ll do in class:

Chest press


‘A’ press

Would I recommend this fitness workout to a friend?

Yes. It’s an awesome all over body workout for all ages and all fitness levels. If you haven’t done it before or it’s been awhile, make sure you talk to the instructor before class and watch closely as they show you how to perform a move. I made my return to BODYPUMP at Club Arana. Most gyms that offer group fitness should have this workout.

What I liked: lifting weights, music tracks, learning technique, comradery in class.

What I didn’t like: the sheer number of reps, ahhh! But that’s the point isn’t it 🙂 You will smash out well over 300 easily.

What do I rate this fitness workout out of 5?

Fitness: 3.5/5     Strength and toning: 5/5

Weight loss: 4/5   Wellness (mind, body, soul connection) 4/5

What was a track on this fitness workouts playlist?

Galantis – No Money

Has this review got you shadow lifting in the kitchen? I was a moment ago! Share your thoughts in the comments box below.

If there’s a fitness workout you’d like me to review, email

Till next time, Maryanne K

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