Best free online workouts on Instagram

Overwhelmed with all the free online workouts available now since the pandemic has struck? Don’t despair. Here’s some of my favourites to cut through the noise.

Covid-19 has certainly changed the way we do a lot of things. And that includes the way we approach exercise and our attitudes to keeping fit. If we weren’t working out before, now is the best time to get started. There’s the physical benefits, but also the stress relief it provides. When we workout, we release endorphins that sooth our nervous systems and keeps our stress hormones at bay.

I’ve posted on the blog before (pre Covid-19) tips on how to stay motivated, workout at home and take up solo sessions. Today’s post is about some of the great workouts I’ve seen posted on Instagram live that I’ve watched to improve technique/or worked out right alongside them.

Here are my five top online workouts during Covid-19

  1. @lululemonauznz – there Life Hub team are crushing it with energizing high intensity interval training workout sessions that run for 20 minutes on Saturday morning. Their two co-hosts are bubbly and bouncy and if you’re missing gym life, you’re going to enjoy this one.
  2. @australianstrengthcoach – their IGTV has some awesome tutorials on how to lift right, squat right and more. I am doing a lot more weights at home due to my knee injury so I’ve found their live stories really useful in making sure my form is right.
  3. @gaynorminden – for the dancers out there. Gaynor Minden is bringing live ballet classes to your lounge room from professional dancers. It’s heaven – and if you’ve always wanted to give ballet a go, you can do it now without feeling one iota of doubt or self-consciousness. Dance like no-one’s watching!
  4. @kaylakleinman – Kayla is a loveable, quirky yoga and barre instructor that is posting short workouts she calls ‘Quarantine Quickies’. If you’re missing this style of workout, Kayla is your jam.
  5. @tiffhallxo – Tiff is a powerhouse and her Ninja style martial arts inspired workouts make you feel pretty bloody strong after bouncing around with her for 20 minutes.

Give them a go, see if any feel right for you, and dive head in. Also checkout your local gyms or yoga studios online. Many are popping up on your insta feed with free live workouts like @f45_training_stafford or have shifted to classes online. There’s no stopping you now.

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Until next time,
Maryanne K

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